snake pit

英 [ˈsneɪk pɪt] 美 [ˈsneɪk pɪt]

网络  蛇坑; 蛇穴; 蛇洞; 蛇窖


  1. And when the tail led, the snake fell into a burning pit and was burnt to its death.
  2. Welcome, Mr Blair, to the snake pit. Tempests are terrible in this country.
  3. Do we want to drop another mouse in the snake pit?
  4. I liked the part when they fell into the snake pit and the snakes were slithering all over them, and then the bad guys found them and sealed the pit.
  5. The Snake Pit Quiz Night was a BLAST!
  6. "I really shouldn't," said Bunny," but maybe I'll look after you, just this once." So he found a stick and lifted the ugly snake out of the pit and onto the grass nearby.
  7. Then go and find yourself a snake pit, vena.



  1. pejorative terms for an insane asylum

      Synonym:    Bedlambooby hatchcrazy housecuckoo's nestfunny farmfunny houseloony binmadhousenut housenuthousesanatorium

    1. any place of pain and turmoil
      1. the hell of battle
      2. the inferno of the engine room
      3. when you're alone Christmas is the pits

      Synonym:    hellhell on earthhellholethe pitsinferno